had begun talking in those low voices again; most sat with their heads down; looking at the floor; as if stunned。 Or ashamed。
Harry and Dean came up with the stretcher。 It was actually Percy's job to take one end; but he didn't know and no one had bothered to tell him。 The Chief; still wearing the black silk hood; was loaded onto it by Brutal and me; and we whisked him through the door which led to the tunnel as fast as we could manage it without actually running。 Smoke … too much of it … was rising from the hole in the top of the mask; and there was a horrible stench。
〃Aw; man!〃 Percy cried; his voice wavering。 'What's that smell?〃
〃Just get out of my way and stay out of it;〃 Brutal said; shoving past him to get to the wall where there was a mounted fire extinguisher。 It was one of the old chemical kind that you had to pump。 Dean; meanwhile; had stripped off the hood。 It wasn't as bad as it could have been; Bitterbuck's left braid was smouldering like a pile