music store owners pioneered their own recording industry。 當地音樂商店的店主們開拓了自己的錄製產業。
同義 exploit(v。 開拓)
platform['pl?tf?:rm]n。 平臺;站臺;(政黨的)綱領
例句 Offshore drilling platforms may also lose oil that drift ashore; harming the environment。 海上的鑽井臺也可能出現漏油現象,浮油漂向岸邊,對環境造成危害。
pose[pouz]n。 姿勢 v。 擺姿勢;造成
例句 Statues of the well…known person are in still poses; while statues of the unknown person are in active poses。 名人的雕像紋絲不動地站著,然而那些無名氏的雕像總是搖搖晃晃。
要點 pose除了可以表示“姿勢”以外,在閱讀中作為動詞“造成”的含義也很常見,例如:Outside its native regions; Spartina can pose serious problems by turning mudflats into high marshes that are inhospitable to many native fish and birds。
position[p?'zi?n]n。 位置;立場 v。 安置
例句 1。 In general; carnivores occupy a higher position on the food chain。 一般來說,食肉動物在食物鏈中佔據較高的位置。
2。 In the rising wind; the boys have positioned themselves to counterbalance the tilt of the boat as it speeds along in a choppy sea。 風越來越大,男孩們擺好姿勢,來平衡在波浪起伏的大海中急速行駛的船的傾斜。
potent['poutnt]a。 強有力的,有說服力的;(藥等)效力大的
例句 The third and the most potent limitation is that it is not possible to be certain that the infant's response was due to the stimulus presented。 第三點,並且是最有力的侷限是我們不能確定嬰兒的反應是刺激引起的。
prediction[pri'dik?n]n。 預言,預料,預報
例句 His successful prediction of the properties of some unknown elements lent support to the acceptance of the periodic law。 他成功地預言了一些未知元素的特性,有助於元素週期律被人們接受。
predominate[pri'dɑ:mineit]v。 統治,支配;佔優勢
例句 1。 A primary group