This will set up a vibration; which can be heard clearly when the bass of the stem is then placed on a solid surface;
2) Place a finger on the 6th string at the 5th fret。 Now play the open A (5th string)。 If the guitar is to be in tune; then these two notes must h*e the same pitch ()。 If they do not sound the same; the 5th string must be adjusted to match the note produced on the 6th string。 Thus the 5th string is tuned in relation to the 6th string。
3) Tune the open 4th string to the note on the 5th fret of the 5th string; using the method outlined above。
4) Tune all other strings using the same procedure; remembering that the open B string (2nd) is tuned to the 4th fret (check diagram) while all other strings are tuned to the 5th fret。
Tuning may take you many months to master; and you should practice it constantly。 The guidance of a teacher will be an invaluable aid in the early stages of guitar tuning。
Jason Waldron; Classical Guitar Method