ell them to the people playing it safe。 I am not saying don't buy a house。 I am saying; understand the difference between an asset and a liability。 When I want a bigger house; I first buy assets that will generate the cash flow to pay for the house。

My educated dad's personal financial statement best demonstrates the life of someone in the rat race。 His expenses seem to always keep up with his ine; never allowing him to invest in assets。 As a result; his liabilities; such as his mortgage and credit card debts are larger than his assets。 The following picture is worth a thousand words:

Educated Dad's Financial Statement


Asset 《 Liability

My rich dad's personal financial statement; on the other hand; reflects the results of a life dedicated to investing and minimizing liabilities:

Rich Dad's Financial Statement

Ine 》 Expense

Asset 》 Liability

A review of my rich dad's financial statement is why the rich get richer。 The asset column generates more than enough ine to cover expenses; with the balance reinvested into the asset column。 The asset column continues to grow and; therefore; the ine it produces grows with it。

The result being: The rich get richer!

Why the Rich Get Richer

Ine …》 Assets …》 More Ine

Expenses are low; Liabilities are low

The middle class finds itself in a constant state of financial struggle。 Their primary… ine is through wages; and as their wages i