by the way he would have behaved; had our positions been reversed。
〃Not Wharton;〃 I said。 〃The restraint room; Percy。 You're going to spend three or four hours in there; all by yourself in the dark; thinking about what you did to Del。 It's probably too late for you to learn any new lessons about how people are supposed to behave … Brute thinks so; anyway … but I'm an optimist。 Now move。〃
He did; muttering under his breath that we'd be sorry for this; plenty sorry; just wait and see; but on the whole he seemed relieved and reassured。
When we herded him out into the hall; Dean gave us a look of such wide…eyed surprise and dewy innocence that I could have laughed; if the business hadn't been so serious。 I've seen better acting in backwoods Grange revues。
〃Say; don't you think the joke's gone far enough?〃 Dean asked。
〃You just shut up; if you know what's good for you;〃 Brutal growled。 These were lines we'd scripted at lunch; and that was just what they sounded like to me; scripted lines; but if Percy was scared enough and confused enough; they still might save Dean Stanton's job in a pinch。 I myself didn't think so; but anything was possible。 Any time I've doubted that; then or since; I just think about John Coffey; and Delacroix's mouse。
We ran Percy down the Green Mile; him stumbling and gasping for us to slow down; he was going to go flat on his face if we didn't slow down。 Wharton was on his bunk; but we went by too fast for me to see