s and all individuals who have participated in the Earth defense war of 1999. (本協議由聯合國與所有參與 1999 年地球保衛戰的個人簽訂。)
whEREAS, the Earth defense war of 1999 has caused great trauma and potential long-term negative impacts on the global population; and (鑑於 1999 年地球保衛戰對全球人口造成了巨大創傷和潛在的長期負面影響;並且)
whEREAS, in order to protect the psychological and social stability of humanity and ensure a smooth transition into the new century, it is necessary to implement a memory erasure program and strict confidentiality measures. (鑑於為了保護人類的心理和社會穩定,並確保順利進入新世紀,有必要實施記憶消除計劃和嚴格的保密措施。)
thEREFoRE, the parties hereto agree as follows: (因此,雙方達成如下協議:)
1. All non-batant individuals shall have their memories related to the Earth defense war of 1999 selectively erased through a safe and reliable memory erasure technology. (1. 所有非戰鬥人員應透過安全可靠的記憶消除技術,有選擇地消除其與 1999 年地球保衛戰相關的記憶。)
2. batants who have participated in the war shall retain their memories but are required to sign this confidentiality agreement and swear to never disclose any information about the war to the public or unauthorized individuals. (2. 參與戰爭的戰鬥人員應保留其記憶,但需簽署本保密協議,並宣誓絕不向公眾或未經授權的個人披露任何有關戰爭的資訊。)
3. Any violation of this agreement shall be regarded as a serious breach of international law and shall be subject to severe legal sanctions. (3. 任何違反本協議的行為均應被視為嚴重違反國際法,並應受到嚴厲的法律制裁。)
4. the United Nations shall establish a special monitoring and enforcement mechanism to ensure the implementation and pliance of