
俄羅斯代表(面色陰沉,重重地點頭,眼神中透露出擔憂):“Дa, n haшa эkohonka toжe ctpaдaet ot шnpokoгo пpnhehnr ai hoжectвo людen пoteprлn cвon pa6otы, and the once - vibrant dtrial cities have bee ghost towns the autoated achery runs ailessly, a chanical ockery of the huan bor it dispced cial unrest is sirg beneath the surface, like a volcano on the ver of eruption we are on the brk of a full - scale crisis, and the future looks bleaker with each passg day” (是的,我們的經濟也因ai的廣泛應用而遭受重創。大量人員失業,曾經生機勃勃的工業城市如今淪為鬼城。自動化機器無目的地運轉,像是對被其取代的人類勞動的機械嘲諷。社會動盪如即將噴發的火山,在表面下暗自湧動。我們正處於全面危機的邊緣,未來日益黯淡。)



日本代表(微微起身,語氣帶著焦慮,身體前傾,雙手緊握):“our untry's transportation work, which heavily relies on ai - ntrolled traffic anant systes, has experienced several ajor gridlocks the past week tras llided, and highways were paralyzed, brgg our daily lives to a grdg halt each passg ute without a tion ans ore lives at risk we need to act fast before ore lives are lost, or our ciety will be pnd to chaos” (我國嚴重依賴ai控制的交通管理系統,在過去一週內,交通網路多次出現嚴重堵塞。列車相撞,高速公路癱瘓,我們的日常生活陷入了停滯。每耽擱一分鐘,就有更多生命受到威脅。我們必須迅速行動,否則社會將陷入混亂。)

德國代表(扶了扶眼鏡,神情憂慮,輕輕搖頭):“ our dical syste, ai - assisted diagnosis has isdiagnosed hundreds of patients recently were prescribed the wrong dications, leadg to life - thre