例句 1。 In the early thirteenth century; there were new maps that made it possible to trace one's path。 在13世紀早期,就有了能夠查出一個人行跡的新地圖。
2。 Scientists believe that when the oceans were young; they contained only a trace of salt。 科學家們認為,海洋在剛形成的時候只含有少量的鹽分。
要點 trace通常指“向上追溯”,描述的是某一時期之前的情況或發生的事情。
transition[tr?n'zi?n]n。 過渡;轉變
例句 1。 The transition from forest to treeless tundra on a mountain slope is often a dramatic landscape。 在山坡上出現的從森林到荒蕪苔原的轉變通常是奇妙的景觀。
2。 The transition to settled life has a profound impact on the family。 向穩定生活的轉變對這個家庭有著深遠的影響。
同義 conversion(n。 轉變)
trend[trend]n。 趨勢;流行 v。 傾向
搭配 economic trend 經濟趨勢
例句 1。 In some remote regions; the increase in desert areas is occurring largely as the result of a trend toward drier climatic conditions。 在一些邊遠地區,由於日趨乾燥的氣候條件,沙漠化在大面積擴大。
2。 Other trends and inventions had helped make it possible for Americans to vary their daily diets。 其他的趨勢和發明使美國人改變其日常膳食成為了可能。
同義 tendency(n。 趨勢);fashion(n。 流行)
tribal['traibl]a。 部落的;種族的
例句 The government left working people to govern themselves; much as shepherds of tribal confederacies were left alone by their leaders。 政府讓勞動人民去管理他們自己,非常像部落聯盟的牧羊人被他們的首領丟棄了一樣。
同義 racial(a。 種族的)
tribe[traib]n。 部落,宗族
例句 Trade among merchants relied on regulation; while among tribes trade was based on personal relationships and careful character evaluation。 商人之間的貿易依賴於規則,然而在部落中人們之間的貿易基於個人關係和謹慎的性格評價。