p; frequent munication serves to bring people into closer relationships。 在一個團體中,頻繁的交流會讓人們建立更密切的關係。
2。 Modern farmers who are trying to grow corn in the ancient Maya homelands have faced frequent crop failures。 試圖在古代瑪雅的土地上種植作物的現代農民頻繁遭遇作物減產的情況。
派生 frequently(ad。 頻繁地)
要點 frequent通常表示頻率,例如:frequent visitor“常客”。frequent的副詞形式frequently也經常會用到,比如:Fantasy settings are frequently used to attract children's attention。
hence[hens]ad。 因此,所以;今後
例句 1。 Since the ships had relatively shallow hulls; they were unstable when driven by sail or when on rough sea; hence they were unsuitable for the oceangoing voyage。 由於這些船的船體相對較淺,因此當掛起風帆航行或遇到洶湧海浪時無法保持平穩;因此它們不適合用於出海遠航。
2。 The data can only represent the full plexity of the global climate and hence may give only limited information about natural variability。 這些資料只能代表全球氣候的全部複雜性,因此對於自然變化,可能只能提供有限的資訊。
hypothesis[hai'pɑ:θ?sis]n。 假設,假說;前提
例句 1。 Although appealing at the beginning; the hypothesis of a simple climatic change related to sea levels cannot explain all the data。 一開始這個關於氣候變化與海平面間聯絡的假說引起了人們的興趣,但卻不能解釋所有的資料。
2。 The professor's hypothesis was that the polluted fishes the whale ate caused their death。 教授的假設是鯨魚食用的魚被汙染了,從而導致了它的死亡。
同義 assumption; theory(n。 假設,假說)
identical[ai'dentikl]a。 相同的;同一的;相等的
例句 1。 In another set of experiments; the researchers put identical boxes around the cage with food in only one of the boxes。 在另一組試驗中,研究人員把完全相同的箱子放在籠子旁邊,其中只有一個箱子裡有食物。