static['st?tik]a。 靜態的;靜電的;呆板的 n。 靜電
搭配 static electricity 靜電
例句 In the meantime; this ice is not static for the glaciers move slowly across the land with tremendous energy; carving into even the hardest rock formations and thereby reshaping the landscape。 同時,冰也不是靜止的,因為冰川會帶著很大的能量緩慢地移過陸地,甚至插入最堅實的岩石層中,導致景觀重新形成。
同義 stationary(a。 靜止的)
stem[stem]n。 莖,幹 v。 阻止;起源
搭配 stem from 源於
例句 It is an automatic; metabolic system with the control center in the brain stem。 這是一個自動的新陳代謝系統,其控制中心位於腦幹。
同義 trunk(n。 樹幹)
stony['stouni]a。 石頭的;多石的;冷酷的
搭配 stony land 石質地
例句 Sometimes; the loose soil is pletely blown away; leaving a stony surface。 有時候,鬆散土壤會完全被吹走,留下光滑的石頭表面。
stretch[stre?]v。 延伸,拉長 n。 一段時間;延伸
搭配 stretch out 伸展;開始大踏步走
例句 Since large waterways have a warming effect on the air directly above them; there is a possibility for the heat island to be stretched along the course of major rivers。 由於大河道會對其上方的空氣產生升溫效應,這為那些可以沿著主河道延伸的熱島提供了一個可能性。
同義 extend(v。 延伸)
substance['s?bst?ns]n。 物質;實質
例句 1。 The same minerals occur in refractory inclusions which are believed to be the earliest…formed substances to have condensed out of the solar nebula。 同樣的礦物質出現在耐融的內含物質中,而且人們相信這是太陽星雲中最早形成的濃縮物質。
2。 Even though early exhibitors often acpanied movie with live acts; the substance of the movies is mass…produced and prerecorded material that can be easily reproduced by theaters。 儘管早期的電影放映者總在電影中加入現場演出,但電影的本質