pletely savage and the Gamemakers had to have him stunned with electric guns to collect the bodies of the players he'd killed before he ate them。 There are no rules in the arena; but cannibalism doesn't play well with the Capitol audience; so they tried to head it off。 There was some speculation that the avalanche that finally took Titus out was specifically engineered to ensure the victor was not a lunatic。
I don't see Peeta in the morning。 Cinna es to me before dawn; gives me a simple shift to wear; and guides me to the roof。 My final dressing and preparations will be alone in the catabs under the arena itself。 A hovercraft appears out of thin air; just like the one did in the woods the day I saw the redheaded Avox girl captured; and a ladder drops down。 I place my hands and feet on the lower rungs and instantly it's as if I'm frozen。 Some sort of current glues me to the ladder while I'm lifted safely inside。
I expect the ladder to release me then; but I'm still stuck when a woman in a white coat approaches me carrying a syringe。 〃This is just your tracker; Katniss。 The stiller you are; the more efficiently I can place it;〃 she says。
Still? I'm a statue。 But that doesn't prevent me from feeling the sharp stab of pain as the needle inserts the metal tracking device deep under the skin on the inside of my forearm。 Now the Gamemakers will always be able to trace my whereabouts in the arena。 Wouldnˇt want to lose a tribute。
As soon as the tracker