he hooked nose then muttered certain cabalistical expressions which I was too much frightened to remember; but I recollect that at the conclusion I was given to understand that I was married to a young lady of the name of Frances Fair�child; whom I perceived standing by my side; and I hope in the course of a few months to have the pleasure of introducing to you as your daughter�in�law; which is a matter of some interest to the poor girl; who has neither father nor mother in the world…
I looked only for goodness of heart; an ingenuous and affectionate disposition; a good understanding; etc。; and the character of my wife is too�frank and single�hearted to suffer me to fear that I may be disappointed。 I do myself wrong; I did not look for these nor any other qualities; but they trapped me before I was aware; and now I am married in spite of myself。
Thus the current of destiny carries us along。 None but a madman would swim against the stream; and none but a fool would exert himself to swim with it。 The best way is to float quietly with the tide…
Your affectionate son;
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