第80章 研學之旅(第2/4頁)
維克利亞大學的校長讚歎道:“this research center is truly magnificent.(這座科研中心真是宏偉。)”
江知念微笑著回應:“Yes, and we have made significant progress in artificial intelligence research.(是的,而且我們在人工智慧研究方面取得了重大進展。)”
一位教授好奇地問:“can you elaborate on your recent achievements in AI? (您能詳細闡述一下你們最近在人工智慧方面的成就嗎?)”
江知念邊走邊說:“our team has developed a new algorithm that can greatly improve the performance and accuracy of AI in image recognition. (我們團隊開發了一種新的演算法,能夠極大地提高人工智慧在影象識別方面的效能和準確性。)”
校長指著一臺大型計算機問道:“how does this equipment contribute to your research? (這臺裝置如何為你們的研究做出貢獻?)”
江知念耐心解釋:“It enables us to conduct large-scale data processing and plex model training for our AI projects. (它使我們能夠為人工智慧專案進行大規模的資料處理和複雜的模型訓練。)”
校長真誠地看著江知念,說道:“miss Jiang, we are extremely grateful that you are willing to participate in our research project even after leaving Victoria University. (江小姐,我們非常感激您在離開維克利亞大學後仍願意參與我們的研究專案。)”
江知念微笑著回應:“principal, it's my pleasure. I have always had a passion for this field, and I believe that sharing and cooperation can promote the development of artificial intelligence. (校長,這是我的榮幸。我一直對這個領域充滿熱情,並且我相信分享與合作能夠推動人工智慧的發展。)”
校長點了點頭,眼中滿是讚賞:“Your dedication and professionalism have always been an inspiration to us.