第80章 研學之旅(第3/4頁)
這時,旁邊的一位教授插話道:“And your insights and ideas have brought new perspectives to our research. (而且您的見解和想法為我們的研究帶來了新的視角。)”
江知念謙虛地說道:“I'm just doing what I can. we all have the same goal - to make breakthroughs in artificial intelligence research. (我只是盡我所能。我們都有著相同的目標——在人工智慧研究中取得突破。)”
江知念指著大螢幕上的資料,說道:“based on the current progress, I suggest we focus on optimizing the algorithm in the next stage to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the model. (基於目前的進展,我建議我們在下一階段著重最佳化演算法,以提高模型的效率和準確性。)”
眾人對後續的研究方向達成了初步共識,校長站起身來,微笑著說道:“this is a very productive discussion. I believe with our joint efforts, we will achieve remarkable results. (這是一次非常富有成效的討論。我相信透過我們的共同努力,我們將取得顯著的成果。)”
江知念也跟著起身,“Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing the progress. (是的,我期待著看到進展。)”
就在這時,一位工作人員匆匆走進來,神色略顯焦急地說道:“there seems to be a problem with the latest test data. (最新的測試資料似乎出現了問題。)”
大家的神情瞬間變得嚴肅起來,江知念立刻問道:“what exactly is the issue? (具體是什麼問題?)”
工作人員解釋道:“the output results are inconsistent with the expected values, and we can't figure out the reason for now. (輸出結果與預期值不一致,目前我們還找不到原因。)
“could it be a parameter setting error? (會不會是引數設定錯誤?)”一位教授提出了自己的猜測。
江知念搖了搖頭,“I don't think so. Let's check the data source first. (我不這麼認為。我們先檢查一下資料來源。)”
“It's a bug in the code. we need to fix it as soon as pos